t-test: Two Independent Samples

A t-test is any hypothesis test where the test statistic follows a Student's t-distribution. In this version of a t-test, we are testing the probability that two independent samples were drawn from the same population based on the means (and variances) of those samples. More specifically, this version of a t-test is used when:

  1. You have two independent samples. E.g. a treatment group and a control group, not a before and after treatment comparison ("paired samples").
  2. You want to assess if a treatment led to some measureable difference in the groups (e.g. giving the treatment group a low fat diet led to a reduction in average weight).
  3. You do not know the population standard deviation(s). If you do, you can instead use a z-test.

You can use this calculator to estimate:

  1. The sample size a planned study will need to detect an effect size at a given power level
  2. The statistical power a planned study will have based on the expected sample and effect sizes1
  3. The smallest effect size a planned study can detect for a given power level and sample size
  4. The t-statistic and/or p-value for a completed study

[1] It is a common mistake to try to calculate the power of a completed study based on the observed effect size. You need to know (or estimate) the true effect size to calculate the power of a study.

When conducting a t-test with two independent samples, the following assumptions are made about your data:

  1. Your data consists of two independent and identically distributed samples, one from each of the two populations being compared (although they may turn out to be the same population).
  2. The sample means (X1 and X2) are normally distributed.1
  3. The sample variances (s21 and s22) are χ2 distributed.2
  4. The sample means and sample variances are statistically independent.
  5. This calculator does not require the groups to have equal variance as it uses the Welch's unequal variances t-test formulation by default3

[1] This does not require your underlying data to be normally distributed. With larger samples, the Central Limit Theorem typically means the sample means will be normally distributed.

[2] This assumption holds if the underlying data are normally distributed, but not neccessarily if you are relying on the Central Limit Theorem for normally distributed sample means.

[3] You probably should as well.

Significance Level (α): The probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis (H0: θ = 0; where θ = μ1 - μ2), also known as the false positive rate or the Type I error rate. An α of 0.05 (5%) means that if we repeated an experiment where we drew samples from the same population many times, we would expect to incorrectly reject the null hypothesis in 5% of cases. α can also be thought of as a measure of how extreme the observed difference in sample means has to be before we reject the null hypothesis. With an α of 0.05, we would reject the null hypothesis when observing a difference that we would expect to see 5% (or less) of the time when drawing two samples from the same population.

Statistical Power (1 - β): β is the probability that we will fail to reject the null hypothesis when the samples are drawn from different populations. This is also known as the false negative rate or the Type II error rate. Statistical power or 1 - β is therefore the probablity that we will correctly reject the null hypothesis. In the same way that we can draw samples with different means from the same population, there is also a risk that we draw samples with very similar means from two different populations.

Effect Size (Cohen's d): A standardized measure of the difference in the means (can be sample or population means depending on the context). The difference in means is divided by the pooled standard deviation of the two samples/populations to provide a metric, in units of standard deviations, that can be compared across studies. It can also be used directly in some calculations instead of the means and standard deviations of the samples.


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